The world has changed a lot since early 2020, and my little piece of it has changed too. I’m finishing up a book, Secretariat’s Legacy, that has been years in the making. It celebrates Secretariat’s top sons and daughters, along with their descendants who are regularly seen in the pedigrees of today’s greatest race horses. In its pages you will find the greatest collection of photographs of Secretariat’s important offspring ever assembled, gathered from photographers and racetracks around the world, with my own photos included for good measure. You will find fascinating stories of these horses, many of whom are not well known on American shores. Secretariat’s name was magic almost everywhere, and his offspring had success in some unusual places.
The book marks the end of an era for me personally. After nearly 40 years of photographing horse racing, I’m stepping away. I will always love the horses, and will certainly find occasional ways to be with them, but it’s time to move on from the “work” of photographing the sport that has been such a big part of my life for decades.
If we’ve learned anything over the past 26 months, it’s that we have to be prepared for the unexpected, and it’s hard to count on anything. I am eager to see new places and try new things. As you’ll see in the pages of this newly-launched website, I love photography in general, I love animals wherever I might find them, and I love traveling to beautiful destinations. I’ve been fortunate to visit some very special places around the world, and while there’s nothing like seeing animals in the wild, it’s helpful to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the best zoos and animals parks in this country.
My bucket list is so long that I can’t possibly get to everything, but I’ll prioritize and hope to cross at least a few things off the list. I hope you will follow the journey with me through the pages of this website.
But first, the book has to be finished, and the book signings have to scheduled for 2023. After all, next year is the 50th anniversary of Secretariat’s phenomenal record-setting Triple Crown, and it will be time to celebrate!
